Kenneth Bertrams is a former FNRS researcher. He is currently professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, where he teaches economic history and the history of science and technique. He is also director of the Mondes Modernes et contemporains research centre. His research concerns interactions between science, industry and the State, more specifically the circulation of knowledge between Europe and the US. He has published, inter alia, Universités et Entreprises. Milieux académiques et industriels en Belgique, 1880-1970 (Brussels, Ed. Le Cri, 2006). More recently, he worked on a research project regarding the history of Solvay (1863-2013), which led to two publications at Cambridge UP.

He currently works on the origins of educational exchange programmes between Belgium and the US, the history of scholars during WWI, and the history of the AB-InBev brewing company.

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